Tomorrow, Nov. 16 @ 10am PST, I’ll be attending “Eyewitness Identification from a Different Angle,” a seminar part of the greater ESRC Festival of Social Science hosted by the University of Birmingham in the UK. The seminar hosts an all-star panel of researchers prominent in the fields of facial recognition and memory.
For those interested in eyewitness memory from a basic science perspective, I recommend attending! The event is free and open to the public, and will most certainly contain interesting discourse in the Q&A portion. The Q&A is live, but some prerecorded talks are available for viewing at the link above.
Speakers and Panelists:
- Professor Carolyn Semmler, University of Adelaide, AU
- Professor Laura Mickes, University of Bristol, UK
- Dr Karen Amendola, National Police Foundation, US
- Dr David White, University of New South Wales, AU
- Professor William Wells, Sam Houston State University, US
- Dr Anna Bobak, Department of Psychology, University of Stirling, UK
- Wayne Collins, VIPER, UK
- Mick Gibbin, Promat Envision, UK
- Professor Alice O’Toole, University of Dallas, Texas
- Professor Tom Albright
- Professor David White, University of New South Wales
- Professor John Wixted, UC San Diego, US
- Dr Ryan Fitzgerald, Psychology, Simon Frasier University
- Dr Harriet Smith, Nottingham Trent University
- Dr Melissa Colloff, School of Psychology, University of Birmingham
- Dr Travis Seale-Carlisle, Duke University and the University of Aberdeen
- Marlene Meyer, School of Psychology, University of Birmingham
- Prof Heather Flowe, School of Psychology, University of Birmingham