Response bias modulates the confidence-accuracy relationship for both positive identifications and lineup rejections in a simultaneous lineup task

Psychology, UC San Diego, Wixted Lab

A paper of mine was just published in Applied Cognitive Psychology. This paper investigates why the confidence-accuracy relationship (CAC) for lineup rejections is often flat (while the relationship between confidence and accuracy for postiveIDs is much stronger). Specifically, this paper looks at the role of response bias in terms of restricting the range of memory signal strengths associated with a particular decision. Range restriction for particular decision may lower the ability to detect a possible relationship given a particular level of confidence due to a reduction in sensitivity.

Understanding why the confidence for rejections often is less related to accuracy compared to postiveIDs is a necessary first step in working to improve the quantity and quality of information gathered in the case of rejections. Furthermore, this paper also contains a literature review which aggregates the field’s findings for the confidence-accuracy relationship for rejections.

Data for this paper has been previously presented at the Association for Psychological Science (APS) conference last year.

The citation for this paper is:

Yilmaz, A. S.Wang, X., & Wixted, J. T. (2024). Response bias modulates the confidence-accuracy relationship for both positive identifications and lineup rejections in a simultaneous lineup taskApplied Cognitive Psychology38(2), e4196.

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