Run for the Wild: 5k for Hornbill Conservation

Personal Blog

I want to try something new here. Instead of posting purely about academic work or things relating to my research, I want to try posting about some of the events I attend within my community. Graduate school takes up a lot of my time, but I still support causes I care about when time allows. (On my CV, you’ll find a long history of volunteer work and presence at community events.) I won’t post about smaller events or those that occur somewhat frequently (e.g., trail or beach clean-ups). I want to highlight larger events instead.

To kick-off this new post type: At the end of next month, I’ll be running a 5k for conservation! The run is supporting the Wildlife Conservation Society, hosted at the Bronx Zoo. Funds will be used toward hornbill conservation. If you’d like to donate funds through my runner’s page, you can do so here. If you’d like to donate to my instead, we are the “Keeper Chat Podcast Patrons.” Keeper Chat is a podcast hosted by two former zookeepers, talking about a new animal every week. They donate all of their profits toward conservation.

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