Associate-In: PSYC 144 Memory & Amnesia

Personal Blog, Psychology, Teaching & Talks, UC San Diego

With my name officially on the registrar, I’m happy to announce that I’m teaching a 300-person, upper-division undergraduate course during the Winter 2023 quarter! I’ve accepted an “associate-in-lieu” position in the Department of Psychology at UCSD.

The course is PSYC 144 Memory & Amnesia. The course will review basic research into the nature of memory. It will survey current research and theory concerning human memory and amnesia from both cognitive and neuropsychological perspectives. Topics covered will include short-term memory, encoding and retrieval processes, forgetting, memory distortion, implicit memory, drug effects on memory, amnesic syndromes, and the effects of aging on memory processes.

Advancement to Candidacy

Personal Blog, Psychology, UC San Diego, Wixted Lab

I’m incredibly proud to report that I recently advanced to candidacy! In our department, that means passing a qualifying paper defense (which I did in July 2020) as well as successfully “defending” a dissertation proposal paper and presentation.

My dissertation, “Evidence of Innocence: The Psychology of Lineup Rejections,” will comprise of three published or to-be-published studies. The first study was published in Law and Human Behavior earlier this year. The second and third studies will be basic-science studies investigating 1) why the confidence-accuracy relationship for lineup rejections ranges from negligible to slightly-positive and 2) the specific decision variable that is used for confidence during a lineup rejection.

Thank you to my committee: Drs. John Wixted (Chair), Tim Brady, Uma Karmarkar, John Serences, and Angela Yu.


AFSP Out of the Darkness Campus Walk

Personal Blog

On Sunday May, 15th, I’ll be participating in the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention‘s (AFSP) “Out of the Darkness” 5k walk at UC San Diego.

Though I have not lost someone to suicide, I believe that destigmatizing mental health struggles is important for the wellness of our communities. (To me, that means showing up for causes that don’t personally affect me. One day, they may.)


“hello world” (Some Intro-Level R Resources)

Personal Blog, Resources, UC San Diego

Data science proficiency goes hand-in-hand with Ph.D-level research. For most of us, however, we don’t enter graduate school with strong programming skills. Instead, we’re likely thrown into a two-in-one, programming-and-statistical-methods course during our first year of graduate school, using any number of possible languages (MatLab, R, SPSS, etc.). Personally, I’m of the belief that learning R is invaluable. I think the learning curve is steeper compared to other languages, but as you develop proficiency and confidence, I find it to be a dynamic language that can do most-anything you’ll need within the scope of a Ph.D program. (A bonus: It’s heavily used in industry as well.)

Since proficiency comes with practice, I take coding workshops as frequently as they’re available. It solidifies what I already know and keeps me from forgetting methods that I may not use regularly when doing my own research and analyses. Sometimes, I’ll learn more efficient ways to do things too. Also, learning from different teachers has the benefit of having concepts explained in a different ways—things that seemed ‘fuzzy’ when explained by one professor may be crystal clear when explained in a different manner. 

I advocate for a general literacy across a few languages — after all, you’ll have little control over the format of materials sent over by colleagues — but here I thought I’d focus on my favorite beginner-level resources for R programming.

Run for the Wild: 5k for Hornbill Conservation

Personal Blog

I want to try something new here. Instead of posting purely about academic work or things relating to my research, I want to try posting about some of the events I attend within my community. Graduate school takes up a lot of my time, but I still support causes I care about when time allows. (On my CV, you’ll find a long history of volunteer work and presence at community events.) I won’t post about smaller events or those that occur somewhat frequently (e.g., trail or beach clean-ups). I want to highlight larger events instead.

A Reintroduction

Personal Blog, UC San Diego

New headshot for a new year of graduate school.

If you’re picking up on different vibes from me this year, it’s because I’m finally back to my old self again (actually, I’m better than my old self).

At this point, most people in my circle know what I mean when I say my “old self,” but for those unaware: I was the victim of two instances of sexual assault by separate perpetrators. In 2018, I wrote about what happened in order to process what occurred. The outpouring of support was wonderful, but my story missed one key piece—my battle with clinical post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Master of Art

Personal Blog, Psychology, UC San Diego, Wixted Lab

For those of you who aren’t aware, I’m a first-generation college student and I recently completed the requirements for my master’s degree! The degree is a Master of Art in Experimental Psychology.

In our Ph.D program, getting a master’s degree isn’t typically celebrated. It’s seen as something you “pick up along the way” on the journey of earning a doctorate and entering a research career. (Also, a good proportion of our graduate students enter with a master’s degree already, so this isn’t a new milestone for them.)

I, however, have not experienced this milestone before, meaning I’m mentally celebrating! I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again: I’m in my dream program, at my dream institution, with an amazing adviser, and residing in my favorite city in the world. I am incredibly grateful and do not take any of this for granted.

For now, I have three years left (minimum) in this program—and I’m looking forward to every single one of them. There is a lot of hard work ahead, but that’s the fun.

Thank you,


Working from Home in a Pandemic

Personal Blog, Resources, UC San Diego

Adding to the plethora of “here’s how I do it!” posts online, this is how I (attempt) to work from home during the COVID-19 lockdown. This post is not meant to instruct you on how to maximize productivity—personally, I think there are more important things to worry about right now—rather, it’s meant to validate the emotions of those feeling similarly and (hopefully) provide someone with a new coping strategy.