Wushu club finds longterm success despite not having a head coach

Daily Emerald, Stories & Features, University of Oregon, Wushu

The wushu club is living out a lot of sports’ worst nightmares. Its members have a dedicated team ready to train, but no coach.

And that’s just the way they like it.

Kristen Shafer honors deceased friend by keeping her promise to fence

Daily Emerald, Fencing, Stories & Features, University of Oregon

Everyone has different reasons for joining club fencing. Some got into it by chance, some through a friend. Kristen Shafer, however, had very different reasons for fencing.

Because two years ago, Shafer watched the fencing trials in the London Olympics and thought: “I want to try that.”

Because deep down she wanted to be like the Olympians she had watched that day — even though she had never even held a sword.

Because she doesn’t break promises.