Resources: Pathways to Ph.D panel

Psychology, Resources, UC San Diego

During UCSD’s Pathways to Ph.D event, some of the panelists shared resources which helped them navigate the graduate school application process.

  • UCSD’s Psychology Department has an “Applying to Graduate Programs” webpage. This webpage contains information on: how much time to set aside for applications, when to consider applying to graduate school, additional links / resources / downloadable forms, and information about choosing programs / advisers / schools and making one’s application competitive. This webpage is tailored to people interested in research programs in psychology, but much of it can be applied to other disciplines.
  • UCSD’s Career Center has a “Get into Grad School” page. They provide important academic resources as well as questions you should ask yourself before choosing a program.
  • Colors of the Brain is a UCSD-based program promoting diversity within the brain sciences. Their graduate mentors will review academic CVs and applications of undergraduate students looking to enter a graduate STEM field. All of the graduate mentors are first-generation or come from a historically underrepresented background. Also, Colors of the Brain can provide support and resources to students about life in STEM and/or graduate school in general.

Thank you to everyone who attended and to those who made this event possible.

Panelist: “Pathways to Ph.D”

Psychology, UC San Diego

This Wednesday (November 4th, 2020), I’ll be a graduate panelist for the “Pathways to Ph.D” event. This event is for undergraduate students who are hoping to apply to graduate school in Experimental Psychology, Neuroscience, and Clinical Psychology. The panel will discuss life of a graduate student, research, as well as how to approach the application process.

If you would like to attend, here is the form to RSVP!