Presenting: APS Annual Convention (Virtual)

Psychology, UC San Diego, Wixted Lab

Tomorrow is the first day of APS Virtual! I’ll be presenting the poster, “Enhancing Evidence of Innocence from Police Lineups,” which you can find here. You will need to login to APS in order to access it. 

Additionally, I’ll be leading a Hot Topic Discussion on Memory in Forensics. I’m excited to see what ideas other APS members bring to the 30-minute discussion on the state of the field, where it’s going, and what questions we hope to be answered in the future. On a personal note, it’s super cool seeing my name listed as a speaker and being able to engage with other attendees in a live-session. This is my first time engaging with the APS research community in a manner other than a poster.

Qualifying Paper

Psychology, UC San Diego, Wixted Lab

I’m incredibly proud to report that I’ve successfully defended my qualifying paper.

The paper investigated the basic science of confidence. As I’m hoping to turn this qualifying paper into a publication, I will hold off on a detailed explanation of the paper’s topic matter.

I can’t wait to extend this project into something greater!