Qualifying Paper

Psychology, UC San Diego, Wixted Lab

I’m incredibly proud to report that I’ve successfully defended my qualifying paper.

The paper investigated the basic science of confidence. As I’m hoping to turn this qualifying paper into a publication, I will hold off on a detailed explanation of the paper’s topic matter.

I can’t wait to extend this project into something greater!

First-Year Project — Complete!

Psychology, UC San Diego, Wixted Lab

This year, I was the opener for our department’s year-end “Little APS” event. It went well!

I presented a new type of lineup procedure that some argued could be the new “future” lineup. Our analyses showed that it is *not* a superior lineup. However, we received great feedback from audience members about an alternate model we could fit to the data as well as alternative conditions worth running that may aid in confirming our initial findings.

Joining the Wixted Lab at UCSD

Psychology, UC San Diego, Wixted Lab

I am immensely happy to report that this month I will be joining the Wixted Lab as a post-baccalaureate research assistant! Even though this is a volunteer position, I am thrilled to continue studying eyewitness memory. My undergraduate thesis only scratched the surface; now it’s time to reexamine the same material through the lens of basic recognition memory science and the theories popularized within that field. 

Thank you, Dr. John Wixted for this opportunity!

Presenting: Stanford Undergraduate Psychology Conference

Psychology, University of Oregon, UO Psychology

A day after presenting my research at the University of Oregon’s Undergraduate Research Symposium, I’m heading off to Stanford to present my honors thesis research. I’m exhausted, but excited to share what I’ve learned over the past year. Unlike yesterday’s presentation, this will be a poster presentation! Stop by the main amphitheater at 1pm to chat with me about sequential vs. simultaneous lineups!