Oregon club hockey snaps losing skid in close game against USC

Daily Emerald, Hockey, Recaps, University of Oregon

The game can be summed up in one word: great. In their first game against USC, Oregon broke their no-scoring streak and broke their losing streak all while in front of the largest (and loudest) home crowd they’ve seen all season.

Ducks hockey shutout by Utah for 4th straight loss

Daily Emerald, Hockey, Recaps, University of Oregon

The first period looked hopeful.

Coming off of a rough weekend at the San Jose State showcase where the Ducks left 0-3, Ducks hockey was back on the road for their third game in the University of Utah series. Oregon wasn’t alone with their losses, however. The Utes were coming off of a three-game losing streak from both Utah State and Weber State.

Both teams came out strong, but the Utah offense proved to be a challenge. Only twenty seconds into the first period, Oregon goalie Danny Cockriel had to make the first save of the game. 17 seconds later, he had to make the second. 37 seconds after that came the third save by Cockriel.

Justin Lacasse transitions from Ducks hockey player to coach

Daily Emerald, Hockey, Stories & Features, University of Oregon

When Justin Lacasse graduated in 2011, it seemed improbable that he ‘d ever be on the ice again as a Duck. He had moved to Washington for work and, while playing, never thought coaching was for him.

But things change.

Oregon hockey sweeps Portland State in penalty-ridden game

Daily Emerald, Hockey, Recaps, University of Oregon

The boys were chippy Saturday night.

Oregon was looking to win the fourth and final game of the Portland State series during their second home game in a row against the Vikings. Win they did. With a 5-1 score at the end, Oregon swept PSU for the second year in a row.

The win didn’t come too easily for the Ducks, however. With tensions still high from the night before and Portland having something to prove, the play was rough and tough.

Oregon hockey raises funds to narrowly avoid cancelled season

Daily Emerald, Hockey, Stories & Features, University of Oregon

When the 2012-2013 club hockey season ended for the Ducks, they faced a new opponent: debt. Oregon hockey had accumulated around $17,000 worth of cost during their season which needed to be paid — and soon.

NHL Lockout Affects More Than Pro-Season, Affects Ducks Hockey

Hockey, Lane Today, Stories & Features, University of Oregon

The NHL and the NHL Players’ Association (NHLPA) did what hockey fans thought they wouldn’t be able to do—come to an agreement. After 510 regular-season games, including the Winter Classic and the NHL All-Star game, were cancelled due to labor disagreements, hope looked lost for the season. So, when hockey officially kicked off this Saturday with 15 games, fans rejoiced… for the most part.

For some people though, the lockout left a bitter taste in their mouth. They see the lockout as a battle between the rich and the richer, brought about solely by greed. They see the abbreviated season, 48 regular-season games per team, as an insult to fans and season ticket holders. They see this whole thing as something that had hurt and will continue hurt teams with smaller fan-bases as well as the sport of hockey in general.

All lockout-drama aside, Dan Effinger, defenseman for the Oregon Ducks hockey team, is excited to finally have the season back.

Ducks hockey takes home I-5 Cup for first time since ’08-’09 with overtime win

Hockey, Lane Today, Recaps, University of Oregon

This past weekend, Ducks hockey took the University of Washington in Eugene for games three and four of the I-5 Cup.

The I-5 Cup is held annually between the two rival teams, with two games being played in Washington and two games being held at home. The winner took home both bragging rights and a trophy to call their own until the next year.

The series started in Washington, where both the Huskies and the Ducks came away with a win a piece.